When Creating a Peaceful Home by Organizing Your Kitchen Becomes a Nightmare — So Full Zest

When Creating a Peaceful Home by Organizing Your Kitchen Becomes a Nightmare

A few weeks ago I told you about the Virginia Bloggers Peaceful Home Challenge. During that time I was "supposed" to be cleaning, de-cluttering, finding peace in the different areas of my home and giving you tips on how you can do the same. The organizer Small Town Rambler has been killing it! My goal was to tackle an area a week, starting with my kitchen then moving to my computer room and then bedroom.  Well folks, it started with the kitchen and up until Sunday I was still in the kitchen. 

From the pantry, to my spice area, cabinets (top and bottom), hutch and china cabinet I was 1000% overwhelmed with the amount of items that I had to weed through. Instead of looking at each area on its own, I saw the bigger picture (which can be a good thing depending on your personality) and completely forgot that the goal was to find peace, not make my life a nightmare.

So although long overdue, here are the steps I took (and that you should take) to clean and organize my pantry.


1. Empty Your Pantry and group all like items together

  • Grains: Spaghetti, Macaroni, Rice
  • Cereals: Granola, Chia Seeds, Oatmeal
  • Can Food: Vegetables, Pasta Sauces, Tuna, Beans
  • Oils: Vinegar and Salad Dressing
  • Condiments: Ketchup, Relish, Beets, Artichoke
  • Snacks: Chips, Cookies, 
  • Baking Supplies: Flour, Sugar, Cornstarch 


2. Throw Away Everything Expired/Damage

This part is the hardest. As much as you think you're gonna use that can of Creamy Poblano and Queso, if its expired (and in my case over 2 years old) you probably wont. 

  • If you don't plan on using it within the next month throw it away.
  • If you tell yourself that you need to buy 10 other things for this recipe you've always wanted to try and make, save yourself the headache of ruining a dish and throw it away.


3. Clean

  • Wipe down the shelves
  • Dust off Your Cans/Boxes (another remind to throw it away if its expired)
  • Sweep/vaccuum the floor area of your pantry
  • Purchase Shelf Liner: With a pair of scissors and 10 minutes, my old dingy shelves look brand new.


4.  Ask Your Food (and Yourself) These Questions

  • Is it Creating Clutter? - If Yes, Throw it Away 
  • Do You Find it Useful? - If No, Throw it Away
  • Does it Nourish Your Soul? - If Yes, Think Deeper into how it does that 


5. How Does Food Nourish Your Soul?

Are you using the specific food to fill a void in your life?

  • Do you crave junk food when you're stressed?  If so what other food/actions can you use in its place?  Drinking Tea, Eating hummus and veggies/pita chips, and painting your nails are all ways you can de-stress and keep your hands busy.

Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle?

  • Minimize the canned foods and starchy carbohydrates. I might sound like a hypocrite since my cabinet is full of them but my fridge and freezer has double the amount of frozen vegetables, cauliflower rice, and fresh fruits and vegetables. 


5. How Does Food Nourish Your Soul?

Are you using the specific food to fill a void in your life?

  • Do you crave junk food when you're stressed?  If so what other food/actions can you use in its place?  Drinking Tea, Eating hummus and veggies/pita chips, and painting your nails are all ways you can de-stress and keep your hands busy.

Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle?

  • Minimize the canned foods and starchy carbohydrates. I might sound like a hypocrite since my cabinet is full of them but my fridge and freezer has double the amount of frozen vegetables, cauliflower rice, and fresh fruits and vegetables. 


6. Put Everything Back

  •  Bins or Shelves: I went to the thrift store and found cardboard bins that I used to organize my canned food by type.
    • Have 1 bin just for miscellaneous items that won't fit neatly on a shelf
  • Baskets: I turned a cute and functional silverware sorter into a organizer for my foil, plastic wrap and freezer bags. 



Now that my pantry is organized, it takes me less time to prepare meals and grocery shopping is easier now that I know exactly what I do and don't need.

 I don't expect you to do any of this overnight, but try taking a day a week to complete each task and see how quickly your pantry transforms. Are you going to try this?