Let's Talk about Chicks, Baby

Buying chicken is like getting a new pair of shoes….says no one. But shouldn’t it be? When you shop for shoes, you don’t just run into the store and pick up the cheapest one you see. You check the prices, try them on, and maybe leave with a pair or two. So why do we only buy meat at the cheapest price per pound, without a closer inspection of whats on the package or whats been added?

Grocery store meat labels will say that its natural, gluten free (you’d hope right), includes rib meat, cage free, and has no antibiotics. Do we know what these things really mean? Personally, I plead guilty to being an uninformed consumer; but after a quick google search I found that a lot of it is meaningless. But do we care? Probably not, people like cheap things.

What if I told you that the things we put in our body are more important than whats on our feet? We have no problem making an exception on pricey items by telling ourselves that they’re comfortable and will last for years; we should probably make the same exception for our food. Hampton Roads is not lacking in the local farms department, but if you’re as indecisive as I am, shopping around isn’t easy. Fortunately, I was recently given* several cuts of chicken from Squawks Farm to try out, and * spoiler alert *, there isn’t one, you’ll have to keeping reading to find out.

From the ‘chicken’s perspective’, here are some fun facts:

  • I’m fed a soy free, non GMO blend of food. This helps keep me flavorful and filled with nutrients.

  • I live on a pasture, so I’m free foraging on insects and leafy veg that have lots of protein…so no one can hold me back #allaccess #fitchic

  • My mom is constantly moving my, its gratifying because I get to have a buffet of fresh pasture every day.

  • Speaking of pasture, my house is at New Earth Farm in the Pungo area of Virginia Beach. It may be a little far, but they have special delivery and pick up locations.

OK, the human is speaking now. Other than the obvious benefits to eating non-GMO and pasture raised chicken, one thing that I was surprised of was the taste comparison. It was moist and the texture was smooth instead of dry and crumbly. I’m not sure how you feel about food waste, but I am more inclined to not throw away something that has a higher flavor profile and is more nutrient dense (i.e. food that is low in calorie and high in nutrients).

I don’t expect you to run out and stock up your deep freezer with all things organic, unless you can afford it of course. But try making a small change like switching out your chicken breasts or tenders for ones raised locally. Not only will your stomach thank you, but you’ll have the satisfaction in knowing that you are supporting a small local business.

* I was given this product for free to review, but as always…no one told me to write nice things, all of my opinions are my own. *

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